Credit Card transactions no longer available in Deadly Digits after creating a new Yodlee feed

Legacy KB ID: 5620


I had to delete my old credit card Yodlee feed and create a new one.  I’ve linked by bank ledger account to the new feed but I still can’t see the latest transactions and my available download has reduced to zero. Why?


New Yodlee feeds will obtain 3 months of past transactions.  It is possible that your setting for the number of days of transactions to download is set too far back and you are downloading transactions that have been processed under the old Yodlee connection and consuming your allowance.



Contact BankData Support on and explain your circumstances and await further direction.

Before downloading transactions adjust the BankData retrieve last value to capture back to your last download.

1.       Settings > General > Book Settings

2.       In the BankData Retrieve last field, set a smaller value back to your last download

3.       Save

4.       Adjust later back to your normal range.


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