Processing SuperStream in Deadly Digits

Legacy KB ID: 5718


How do I process SuperStream in Deadly Digits?

Applies to:

Deadly Digits


You can lodge the SuperStream to your clearing house via following two ways:

A) You can either create a SAFF file and use your own choice of clearing house.

B) You can use the ‘Ozedi direct’ gateway which is the integrated gateway to Deadly Digits.

To enable Ozedi gateway go to Settings > Payroll settings > SuperStream services.

Processing SuperStream:

1) Go to the Payroll menu on the left and Select SuperStream.

2) Select Add button on the top right corner.

3) Enter From and To dates for the payroll. This is the period for which the pay runs were done, that you are attempting to export the SuperStream for.

4) Enter the brief Description. 

5) Select Add SuperStream batch.

6) A batch will be created and appear on the list.

7) Select the batch to open it and to view the details.

8) You will be presented with all the pays for the period you have selected.

9) Select Preview button to open the drop-down list and either select Create SAFF or Lodge via gateway, depending on your preferences. 

You will use ‘Create SAFF’ option, if you want to use your own super clearing house. This will create a SAFF format file as per ATO’s guidelines. You can then upload this file to your choice of super clearing house.

You will select ‘Lodge via gateway’ if you have signed up with ‘Ozedi Direct’ for your clearing house.

10) Once you have submitted the SuperStream select ‘Mark as lodged’ to change the status from draft to lodged.

Need more help?

PLease refer to this userguide for Ozedi.

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