Payroll Settings


Alternatively, to access BASIC settings, from the side navigation menu, expand Payroll and select Payroll set up
On this page




Pay items

Pay schedules

Superstream services




This section must be completed and saved before you can process a pay run.  Complete the mandatory (those with a red asterisk) and required fields.  From the Administration menu, click on Settings. In the Payroll Settings area, click on General.


This information is used to complete Payment Summaries and the Payment Summary annual report (EMPDUPE).  Enter the contact information for the person authorised to deal with ATO enquiries.




Payroll setup



Account defaults


Expense account/Liability account: These are used as default accounts for the allocation of amounts from earnings, allowance and deduction pay items. These are defaults only and can be edited on the pay item. These are not required fields.


Supplier for withholding amounts: If you want to pay your PAYG Withholding amounts to ATO through Accounts Payable select a supplier here. It can be the same supplier you pay your BAS to. You will need to have the supplier set up in Contacts before you can complete this step. 


If you select a liability account for withholding amounts in the next field this will override the supplier selection and the amount will be posted to the liability account. You must make a selection here or in the next field.

Liability account for withholding amounts: If you want your PAYG Withholding liability amounts posted to a liability account select the account here. You must make a selection here or in the previous field.


Expense account for company super contributions: This is used as the default expense account for allocating company super contributions. It is the default only and can be edited on the super pay item. This is not a required field.



Payment defaults



Automatic payments

Automated Payments have been introduced to make payroll easier to use. For new books, this is enabled by default. For existing books, this will default to disabled.


When the setting is enabled, finishing a pay run will automatically create payments for each employee in Make Payment.

If automated payments are disabled, a message will display after finishing the pay run. This advises how to create the payments manually, and has a link to the payroll settings page so the user can enable automated payments.



Bank accounts

Select a rounding amount for cash payments to employees if you want to round net pays and select the expense account for the allocation of the rounding amount.  In new Books the default will be No rounding option.


Select bank accounts to make payments from. Until payments are triggered from payroll, the bank accounts for direct credits for wages and super payments will need to be re-selected from the payment screen. 



Click on Save and return to Settings.




Deadly Digits will already have a number of default Leave items to use or edit. 


From the Administration menu, click on Settings. In the Payroll Settings area, click on Leave.


The Leave overview can be filtered for All, Active or Inactive to be displayed by clicking on the relevant tab. The Leave overview can be customised using the Show/hide columns filter (spanner cog) to select what columns to be displayed (or not) on the screen.



To create a new Leave item click on Add. Complete the mandatory (those with a red asterisk) and required fields.  



Leave type – select appropriate leave type.  For leave such as RDO, time in lieu, jury service, etc. choose Other.


Account – select the relevant expense account that the value of the leave taken is to be allocated to.  This will default to the expense account default in Payroll > General settings (if set up).


Annual entitlement (hours) - enter the number of hours that most of the employees are entitled to per annum for this leave item.  This value will be the default when this leave item is selected for an employee but can be overridden.  This is not a required field.


Accrual period - select the default accrual period for this leave item.  This dictates when and how the leave item will accumulate.  This can be changed for each employee when the leave item is selected for each employee.


Maximum - enter the highest value that the balance of this leave item can be.  This value will be the default when this leave item is selected for an employee but it can be overridden.  This is not a required field.


Leave Loading - enter a default value for leave loading %.  This can be overridden when added to employees and is not a required field.


Select if:

  • the leave item balance is reset to 0 each year on the leave anniversary date,
  • the leave item balance is paid on termination (usually applies to annual and long service leave),
  • when leave is taken, the number of hours will be used in leave accumulation done on a time worked basis.


Then click on Save & close to save the new Leave item.


To Edit or Delete a Leave item, click on the relevant item in the Leave overview, then revise, change status to inactive, view history to see audit trail or delete as required. Any field on an existing leave item can be revised except for the leave type and the default accrual period. If the leave item has not yet been selected for an employee or used in a pay run it can be deleted, otherwise change the status to inactive, so it won’t appear as an option in lists.



Click on Save & close to return to the Leave overview.


Pay Items


For detailed definitions, see HERE


Deadly Digits will already have a number of default Payroll items to use or edit. From the Administration menu, click on Settings. In the Payroll Settings area, click on Pay Items.


The Pay items overview can be filtered for All, Active or Inactive to be displayed by clicking on the relevant tab. The Pay items overview can be customised using the Show/hide columns filter (spanner cog) to select what columns to be displayed (or not) on the screen.



To create a new Payroll item click on Add. Complete the mandatory (those with a red asterisk) and required fields.  


Select relevant pay item type. The options displayed will be dependent on the pay item type chosen.


Pay Schedules


Pay schedules are used to group employees in a pay run. From the Administration menu, click on Settings. In the Payroll Settings area, click on Pay Schedules.


The Pay Schedules overview can be customised using the Show/hide columns filter (spanner cog) to select what columns to be displayed (or not) on the screen.



To create a new Pay Schedule click on Add. Complete the mandatory (those with a red asterisk) and required fields. Once the first start, end and payment dates are entered the subsequent dates are calculated automatically each time the schedule is used to create a pay run. 


Then click on Save & close to save the new Pay Schedule.


To Edit or Delete a Pay schedule, click on the relevant schedule in the Pay schedule overview, then revise, view history to see the audit trail or delete as required.



You can assign employees to the schedule from the employee form. You can process unscheduled pay runs so you don’t have to create schedules to do a pay run.



YTD Setup


YTD setup section allows opening pays, tax amounts and leave balances for payslips and Payment Summaries to be entered. From the Administration menu, click on Settings.  In the Payroll Settings area, click on YTD Set up.


 Employees and Super Funds need to be created at this point before continuing onto the next step to enter YTD figures. Once employees have been created return to this point section to continue set up.


The YTD setup overview can be filtered for All, Pays, Tax, Leave Balances or Payment Summaries to be displayed by clicking on the relevant tab. The YTD set up overview can be customised using the Show/hide columns filter (spanner cog) to select what columns to be displayed (or not) on the screen.



To enter YTD amounts, select the relevant area, from the drop down list. Complete the mandatory (those with a red asterisk) and required fields.  



The pay period end date is the date used to incorporate the value in reports (pay slips, Payment Summaries, etc.).  You can bring in a line for each pay run done outside Deadly Digits Payroll module or one YTD value for each employee/pay item combination.


Enter negative values for deductions and super.  Any values entered in the YTD setup do not affect ledger balances. 


You can save employees and pay item values that are not yet in the system but the amounts for these won’t be taken up anywhere until you choose an employee or pay item that the system recognises. 


You can quickly add a new employee or pay item using the quick add link in the footer of the option list.



Then click on Save & close to save the new Pays YTD setup information.


Pays YTD amounts will appear in the YTD figures on the payslips, but will not be included in the Payment Summary figures.



Then click on Save & close to save the new Leave Balances YTD setup information. Use the Payment Summaries YTD set up to bring in your opening amounts and any reportable fringe benefits or other Payments Summary sections.


You can also use this page to make corrections to amounts allocated to the wrong category due to incorrect set up of pay items without having to undo pay runs. 


Select the relevant employee and Category.




Then click on Save & close to save the new Payment Summary Balances YTD setup information.  To Edit or Delete a YTD setup, click on the relevant item in the YTD setup overview, then revise, view history to see the audit trail or delete as required.



Superstream Services


SuperStream services are only available in the Payroll medium module. 


Deadly Digits Payroll is SuperStream compliant.   This option allows you to select your preferred SuperStream service provider for lodging superannuation payments.


From the Administration menu, click on Settings. In the Payroll Settings area, click on SuperStream Services.


When the SuperStream Services section is accessed for the first time, the default service will be set to No SuperStream service.


From the Select a service drop down list, select Ozedi Direct.


For users pre-2018, the NAB discontinued their superstream service in 2018.

 When Ozedi Direct is the selected service, the following information is provided, on how to proceed with this service:




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