Two Payment Summaries in MyGov account (one 'Tax ready' and one 'Not Tax Ready')


I’ve changed employee numbers during the financial year


For some unknown reason, my employees have two payment summaries from my company’s payroll.


It is important that you do not change employee numbers during the financial year. A change in employee number will lead to a new payment summary/income statement being generated by the ATO.

However, in many circumstances, changing the employee number is unavoidable. In such cases, employees will have two income statements after you finalize year- one tax ready, and the other not tax ready.

PART 1: Identify the old employee number

  1. If not done already, finalize your financial year using STP reporting for all employees.
  2. As a result, employees will have one payment summary which shows up as Tax Ready, and the other(s) which shows up as Not Tax Ready.
  3. Ask the affected employee(s) to send you a screenshot of the payment summary which shows as Tax Ready and Not Tax Ready (hereafter old employee number). This is available in myGov under Employment>Income Statements and would look like the image below:
  1. Look at the record which shows ‘Not Tax Ready’ for your Employer ABN/Branch. Note down the Employee number (hereafter old employee number).


PART 2: Report Nil for the Old Employee Number

  1. In your payroll software, note down the affected employee’s current employee number (Employee ID)
  2. Replace this number with the Old Employee Number.
  3. Follow the help article to report nil only for the affected employee(s)
  1. Once you report nil for the old employee number, go back to the employee’s profile (employee card)- change their employee ID back to the new Employee number.
This article doesn’t apply to you if you have changed ABN/GST Branches or payroll software providers. If you changed Payroll Software providers during the year, contact the previous software provider for assistance.
Reckon Ltd. cannot provide any technical assistance in regards to section A- Identify the old employee number since this is available an employee’s myGov account. For assistance with this step, it would be best to contact your tax accountant or the ATO.


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