How to process the Termination in Deadly Digits?

Legacy KB ID: 5591


How to process the Termination in Deadly Digits?


Terminating employee in Deadly Digits is simple step of merely entering the termination date in the employee record. Please follow the below-detailed steps.

i) Go to the employee list.

ii) Select the employee, you wish to terminate and go to the Employment tab.

iii) Navigate to Termination date column, click on the field under the termination date and enter the date of the termination.


v) Once the date is entered, you will be prompted if you want to do the final unscheduled pay for the employee.


vii) Select the reason for termination. ‘Employee resigned’ is selected by default.

viii) Select Yes create pay run, should you wish to pay out the unpaid Annual leave or any other leave that has been set as ‘Pay on termination’ in setup, and do any other final pay run.

Please note, it will create the pay run with the default dates of the today's date; i.e Pay Start Sate, Pay End Date and Date Paid, all will have the same date as the date you are processing the termination.

If you want to select the different date, Select ‘No Stay on page’. You will then do separate pay run for the leaves owed. This pay will also automatically populate the leave owed to the employee on the pay run.

Please Note: in both cases, the leave item added will have a suffix of ‘-termination’ in the Payroll item name, for the clarity.

ix) Once Satisfied, go back to the pay run, Action and finish Pay run.

You have now successfully terminated an employee, in Deadly Digits.

If you have ETP please proceed to another KB for ETP in Deadly Digits.

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