An error occurred submitting single touch payroll details to the API

Legacy KB ID: 5746


In Deadly Digits, I'm trying to send my STP data to GovConnect.

I'm clicking on the button "Send to GovConnect STP" but it's bringing up one of the following errors

  • An error occurred submitting single touch payroll details to the API.
  • Request was incorrectly formatted or was missing required items.
  • {"message":"User is not authorized to access this resource with an explicit deny"}

How can I fix this?


To stop this error occurring, please check the following criteria:

  1. Part 1: Access to the STP subscription
  • Ensure you have access to the STP subscription under the same Deadly Digits Portal account as the Deadly Digits book. To check this, go to the Deadly Digits Portal > click Reckon GovConnect > the STP subscription must then appear under either the tab "GovConnect Subscriptions" OR "Shared with me".
  • If you do not have access to this STP subscription, then you will need to either create it if it hasn't been created already OR if it's been created, then request the owner to share it with you.

  1. Part 2: Book settings

1) Go to Administration Menu (cog wheel icon) on top right corner > Settings;

2) Select Book Settings under General settings;

3) Check and confirm correct details for below under General details and Legal address

  • General details tab
    • Legal name is entered
    • ABN is entered
    • Branch number is entered if it's applicable. If you do not have a branch number, leave this field BLANK. (If you are unsure whether the ATO requires you to use a branch number, it would be best that you confirm this with them before reporting through Single Touch Payroll)
  • Legal address tab
    • A national legal address is entered. Please ensure this address is no longer than 38 characters as the ATO will not accept any addresses longer than this in each line.
    • Ensure the "State" is selected from the drop-down menu and you haven't typed in "Vic" instead of selecting "Victoria"
    • No international address entered. ATO won't accept an address outside of Australia.
    • Change 'Address is' to International, delete any data present in the country field. Change 'Address is' back to National.

  1. Employee records

Go to Contacts > Employees and confirm the below fields are complete for all employees.

  • General tab
    • No special characters in first name and last name
    • Postal address is entered (including suburb, state and postcode)
    • No spaces before or after the postcode
    • Ensure the "State" is selected from the drop-down menu and you haven't typed in "Vic" instead of selecting "Victoria"
  • Employment tab
    • An employee number must be entered and it must be unique
    • If there is a "re-hire" date then remove it. E.g. an employee has a hire date, a termination date, then on the second line they have another hire date (remove this second hire date). Right now this causes problems. You can put this re-hire date in the "Comments" section in the first line for now.
  • Tax tab

  1. Part 4: Payroll settings

1) Go to Administration Menu (cog wheel icon) on top right corner > Settings

2) Go to Payroll settings and select General.

3) Check and confirm the legal contact details and Contact Number is filled out with correct details.

  • First and last name is entered
  • Title is entered
  • Phone number is has no special characters such as "+61". If there is a mobile number, separate it so the first box has 2 digits and the second box has 8 digits
  • Email is entered

  1. Part 5: ETP Payments
  • If you have entered an ETP payment, you will need to ensure you have entered an ETP code. It cannot be blank (as shown below). If it's blank, please undo the pay run so you can edit it and then add an ETP code. Save and finish the pay run again and then send the data to GovConnect.

  1. Part 6: Incorrect GST Branch Number
  • Make sure the GST Branch Number in your GovConnect tile is correct.

  • If you are unsure what is your GST Branch Number, please check with ATO to confirm.

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