Setting up a BankData account on Deadly Digits

Legacy KB ID: 5334


How do I arrange to have my bank transactions imported automatically into Deadly Digits


Connecting your Deadly Digits Book to your bank account is a 3-stage process

  1. Create a BankData Account
  2. Add your bank and credit card details to your bankdata account
  3. Wait for your request to be approved:
    1. Direct Bank Feeds to major banks take 8 business days
    2. Yodlee Inc feeds require one day.

Creating a BankData Account

  1. On the Deadly Digits Home page, click on Modules on your book icon
  2. Select the BankData plan - Medium - 1000 transactions per month
  3. Complete the Sale

Your Bankdata username, ID and password is the same as your Deadly Digits credentials.

Adding bank and credit card details to your Bankdata account

  1. On the Deadly Digits Homepage, click on Control Panel > Bank Feed Management;
  2. Click on Add a Feed
  3. Select your country
  4. Select your account type – bank or credit card
  5. Select your bank
  6. For bank accounts, select your bank from the list and click Continue;
    1. If your bank is not in the list, see below
    2. For credit cards, see below
  7. Enter your Bank Account Name, BSB and Account Number as they appear on your bank statement and click on continue
  8. Click the link to download a bank authority form
  9. Complete the form and sign in accordance with authorities held by the bank for that account;
  10. Send to Reckon Limited as indicated on the email and on the bottom of the form.
    1. Email:
    2. Fax:  02 95775557

CBA customers must post the original form to Reckon Ltd by post to the address at the bottom of the form.

ANZ customers will be offered the opportunity to complete the signup online on the ANZ website.

If your bank is not on the list

  1. Click on My financial institution is not on the list
  2. In the next box (Yodlee list) click the down arrow and select your bank and click continue
  3. Enter your Bank’s internet credential.
    Care: if you are not prepared to trust Yodlee Inc with your bank internet credentials should not use this service
  4. Click OK
  5. Wait until your process is complete – you will get a message the signup was successful or a message for why it failed (click on Show details).
  6. You will be able to download from the next day.
    Note: transactions are available only from the day the account becomes active.  Until a transaction is passed on the account there will not be any transactions to download.
  7. You will receive an email confirming this addition and your Yodlee ID which will replace the use of an account number.
    Please note that all bank accounts that are accessible on this bank login, and are activated for direct bank feeds, will be available under this one Yodlee ID.  You do not need to make separate applications for each bank account on this bank login.

Adding a Credit Card account

  1. For account type, select Credit
  2. Click on My financial institution is not on the list
  3. In the next box (Yodlee list) click the down arrow and select your bank and click continue
  4. Enter your Bank’s internet credential.
    Care: if you are not prepared to trust Yodlee Inc with your bank internet credentials should not use this service
  5. Click OK
  6. Wait until your process is complete – you will get a message the signup was successful or a message for why it failed (click on Show details).
  7. You will be able to download from the next day.
    Note: transactions are available only from the day the account becomes active.  Until a transaction is passed on the account there will not be any transactions to download.
  8. You will receive an email confirming this addition and your Yodlee ID which will replace the use of an account number.
    Please note that all credit card accounts that are accessible on this credit card login, and are activated for direct bank feeds, will be available under this one Yodlee ID.  You do not need to make separate applications for each credit card account on this login.

Your signup is now complete.

When transactions are received for your accounts for the first time you will receive an email letting you know you have transactions to download.

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