PayrollDetail requires property “TotalGross” and “TotalPAYG” error when uploading STP files.

Legacy KB ID: 5706


Why am I getting the error, ‘instance.PayrollEvent.PayrollDetails requires property “TotalGross”, instance.PayrollEvent.PayrollDetails requires property “TotalPAYG”’  when trying to upload the STP files to Reckon GovConnect STP portal.

I’m trying to upload the update event of my STP file.

Applies to:

Reckon Accounts Business and Reckon Accounts Hosted


The error occurs when you have exported the STP file as an ‘update event’ from Reckon Accounts and uploaded to the STP portal as ‘New Pay Run / Full File Replacement’ option.

You will have to export the STP file as an ‘Update a previously completed ATO submission’ option instead.

Detailed steps.

If you have edited the pays in Reckon Accounts, after uploading the STP file to Reckon GocConnect STP portal (But not submitted to ATO Yet) and want to update the STP file to reflect those changes, you will have to upload the STP file as an update event to the ATP.

1) Export the STP file selecting ‘Update Event’ in the Reckon Accounts.

2) Upload in STP portal selecting the ‘Update a previously completed ATO submission’ option.

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