Super is not calculating

Legacy KB ID: 5556


My pay is above the Super threshold limit, yet it is not accruing Super, why?


Super is calculated based on the super item you have used on the employee settings. There could be the following three reasons why Super is not calculated

Reason 1:

You may not have entered the super item on the employee record.

  1. Go to the Payroll Menu on left ->Employees
  2. Go to the employees for which Super is not calculating
  3. Go to the Pay Setup tab.
  4. Scroll down to the Superannuation Accounts section and verify if you have entered any super item line there.
  5. If you do not see any super item line, click on Add new row button and select the appropriate super item.
  6. Click save and close.
  7. Now try processing the pay again and you should see the Super amount is calculating.

Reason 2:

If you see the Super line in above situation and super is still not calculating, it is possible that the super item you have selected for the employee does not include the pay item, you are using to pay the employee.

  1. Go to the Settings Cogwheel on top right corner
  2. Go to Pay items under Payroll Settings.
  3. Click open the Super items that you have used for the employee.
  4. Scroll down to Pay Items Included section and tick the Pay items that you have used to pay the employee, for it to be included in the Super calculation. Eg ordinary, Salary, Double time etc or any other Pay item that you may have created.
  5. Save and Close.
  6. Now try processing the pay again and you should see the Super amount is calculating.

Reason 3

Make sure that on the Pay run, Super Guarantee item or super item is added under Company Summary.


For employees under 18 years old, Super payments are:

  • Required when working more than 30 hours in a week
  • Not required when working 30 hours or less in a week

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