Creating a direct feed to a Westpac bank account

Legacy KB ID: 5571


How do I establish a direct feed to my Westpac Bank Account?


Westpac Live customers can add the bank account to their BankData record on the Bankdata Bank Feed Management screen and then follow the link to request it on the Westpac Live website.


Detailed Instructions

1.      Go to the Bank Feed Management Screen:

a.      Deadly Digits:  Go to Banking> Bank Connections > Connect an Account

b.      Reckon Accounts:  login to

2.      Click on Add Feed

3.      Add your bank account details

4.      On the Add Feed – Complete – Westpac screen click on the Westpac Live link (ignore offer to download the form now) and logon to the Westpac website;

5.      Authorise Reckon for Bank Feeds via

a.      Under Services & Preferences > Account Services; or

b.      Account Activity > Account Actions; or

c.    Exports and reports

6.      Follow the onscreen prompts to select Deadly Digits as your Accounting package and then complete the authorisation.

7.      When asked for your Reckon User ID:

a.      Existing Deadly Digits users at 26/5/2017 – enter your Deadly Digits UserID in the format 0123456-1.  Do not enter your username.

b.      Deadly Digits users signing up AFTER 26/5/2017 – ring Reckon Customer Service on 1300 756663 for your special UserID.  Otherwise enter your email address or Book name – however, it will take longer to connect you to your transactions. 

c.       Reckon Accounts Hosted users – enter your hosted UserID in the format 0123456-1.  Do not enter your username.

d.      Reckon Accounts desktop users - enter your Reckon Customer ID with a dash and user number (usually 1)  – in the format 0123456-1.  This ID was communicated in your confirmation email.  If your Reckon Customer ID is less than 7 digits, enter zeros at the start of the number to make it to 7 digits.

Please allow a further 5 days for the bank to approve your application.

When Reckon receives the first transaction for the bank account you’ll get an email letting you know you have transactions to download.


Additional Information

If your account is not a Westpac Live account, or you prefer not to use the Westpac website, you can click on Download the form now, print and sign it in accordance with your signing authority with the bank and send to


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