Bankfeed missing transaction

Legacy KB ID: 5552


I have Downloaded the transaction from the BankFeed, but it is missing some transactions for the date. Why?


There are a number of reasons why you may not see all your transactions at the time of download. One or all of these reasons may apply to your situation.

You have exceeded your download limit for the month.

In this case you will be missing the latest transactions. These transactions will be the first to download next month, when your subscription renews. It is advisable to download transactions at least once a month to prevent transactions of one period using up the download allowance of the next period.

Your look-back range is shorter than the time since your last download.

By default Deadly Digits looks back for 60 days in your Bankdata record to import into your Book. This range is adjustable in Settings: cogwheel > Settings > General > Business Settings >BankData: retrieve last field. The acceptable ranges are 1 – 365 days. If your range is too short then you will miss some days immediately after the date of the previous download.

You are accessing transactions before they have been posted to your Bankdata record.

Generally, transactions posted to your bank account are available in your Bankdata record by 9 am the following day. From time to time there may be issues that delay processing at either the Bank or Reckon end. Transactions will be processed later in the day and perhaps the next night. Occasionally the problem is more severe and takes longer to fix, resulting in transactions not being posted until more than a day late. We post the status of bank feeds for the day on this thread on the Reckon Community Please check if there is any issue reported there.

Yodlee transactions are processed after direct feeds and will be available later in the day. We are working on improving the delivery times of Yodlee transactions. You can force an immediate update merely by re-entering your bank internet credentials for the Yodlee connection. Go to the Bank Feed Management screen (Bank Connections > Connect an Account) and click on the Active link in the Status column. Enter your bank internet credentials when requested and Yodlee will check your last update and retrieve subsequent transactions within a couple of minutes.

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Creating a direct feed to a Westpac bank account

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